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5 Tips For Buying A Home In This Crazy Hot Market πŸ”₯🏑πŸ”₯

Hey friends,

We know there are a ton of you trying to buy houses in Everett, and it’s a jungle out there. To help you out, here are 5 tips from your friendly local real estate agents to help you navigate this red hot market. πŸ”₯

1. Begin with the end in mind.
Like the saying goes, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Find a real estate agent you can sit down with and get on the same page with. If you are clear about what you want, a good agent will help you get there. 

2. Get your ducks in a row.
Getting pre-approved is always important, but it's crucial in a competitive market. We recommend you get pre-approved before you start looking. That way if your dream house falls into your lap, you don't have to dilly dally and risk losing it.

Here are some local lenders we've worked with that we like:
Michelle Bruto Da Costa
New American Funding
Aaron Hoy
Amy Trim

3. Act fast. Like, really fast.
The house you're going to go home and think about tonight is the same house someone else looked at yesterday and thought about last night times three. Homes are moving very quick these days, so don't sleep on your decision for too long.

The best way to make a decision quickly about whether or not a house is right for you is by making a list of must-have's and can-live-without's before your search begins. That way when the perfect house does drop in your lap, you will be ready to pounce.

When you do want to put an offer in, contact your realtor ASAP to talk strategy. Does it make sense to offer above asking price? Is there anything you can do to sweeten the deal, like doing a pre-inspection?

If you're thinking it's crazy to make an offer without taking days to think about it, there's usually an inspection period to determine if the home is right for you.

4. Be realistic.
Many people are accustomed to negotiating, but as the current market stands you're lucky to even get a house at asking price. You'll likely have to go over asking, and you might still lose out on a few before one sticks.

5. Be competitive.
Up your earnest money. Lower your inspection days. Do you have extra cash to waive low appraisal (if you don't know what this is, don't worry, we can explain)? Your agent can go over the different items on the offer, but sometimes little terms can make a big difference. Garret recently tried to buy a home for himself and had the higher priced offer, but the other party waived inspection. The seller liked the idea of there being no inspection, and so much to Garret's dismay, the seller chose the other offer. 

Any solid real estate agent will help you navigate these steps. Like we said, it's a jungle out there. Find good people to work with and go get 'em, tigers.

And if you need more guidance during these crazy times, we're here to help.

Garret and Tyler are the founders of Live in Everett. They are not professional bobsledders. They do sell real estate.

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