Live in Everett

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An Apology from Live in Everett's Co-founder, Garret Hunt

A blog post I wrote on my personal blog earlier this year was brought to my attention yesterday as being problematic and insensitive for multiple reasons.

My intent in sharing the post was not one of ill-will and I certainly did not intend to perpetuate any form of anti-semitism or hatred. After hearing some feedback from others, I understand now why the post could be considered problematic and harmful.

I appreciate those who brought this up to me, as I certainly am not perfect, and I value the opportunity to learn and try and do better. I decided to remove the post from my personal website and post an apology.

I also wanted to apologize here, on Live in Everett. As some have decided that because of my mistake, they no longer want to be associated with Live in Everett and/or want it to be shut down entirely.

Live in Everett’s mission has always been to share about good things happening in Everett, and to try and be a positive force in the community. Countless people have contributed to Live in Everett over the years to help make it what it is, and it makes me sick to think that my ignorant actions have and could further jeopardize what so many have worked so hard to help build.

I am sorry for what I published on my personal blog. And I hope that anyone hurt or effected by it would be willing to at least have a conversation with me. While I do believe there was ignorance on my part in what I posted, I again want to affirm that I did not intend any ill-will, and do not condone perpetuating any form of hatred or anti-semitism.

I hope that we can be a community that is able to communicate with one another and seek understanding when our perspectives clash, or when one of us is plainly in the wrong. I take responsibility for my actions. And I welcome further conversation and feedback. And I admit, I was wrong. I’m sorry.

Please just don’t punish Live in Everett for my personal ignorant actions. But may we be a community that can work together for the good of all.

Thank you,

-Garret Hunt

And please feel free to contact me directly if you have questions or concerns about this matter.
425-308-1888 (cell) (personal email)