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Artist Profile: Amy Alison Knutson

Hometown: Everett

Current City/Neighborhood: Boulevard Bluffs

Your Medium/Craft: Metal sculpture

Years doing your craft: 3+

How did you first get started in your craft?

I saw some "found object art" on the internet, and just wanted to try something new. I already spent a lot of time in thrift shops and garage sales, so finding parts to work with was fun.

My husband has a large shop full of stuff that he inherited from his father, and he generously allowed me to glean pieces I could use from his stash also. He also showed me around his tools and taught me the basics of how to connect two pieces that don't look like they fit together. Without his input I would never have gotten started. I was hooked once I finished my first piece.

Courtesy of Amy Alison Knutson

Favorite Artist(s) and/or Inspirations?

I can't point to any one piece of inspiration. I stumbled on this from some photos on Pinterest from various sources. I made what I could create from the pieces I found, and when a piece made me laugh, I knew I was onto something. I've had a couple of pieces under construction at any given time ever since.

Favorite Piece You've Created?

A "Coffee Bot" that holds a light bulb in her hand that I made for Balzac's Coffee in Toronto. They were building a coffee shop in an old GE Powerhouse and wanted a Coffee Bot to fit that theme. They named her Electra and she lives in her own little nook built into the wall of the restaurant. This custom order was pretty early on, and it was quite a thrill for me.

Courtesy of Amy Alison Knutson

What’s the most challenging part of being an artist, or something you had to overcome?

Self promotion! It's hard for me to talk about what I do and try to promote my business. Contacting you is a big move for me.

How can people be supportive of the arts?

Buy some! Instead of mass produced art from a department store, go to your local shows and galleries or online places like Etsy and get something really unique that you love. Don't be cheap. Almost nobody makes a profit at this, if you count all the time you have invested.

Courtesy of Amy Alison Knutson

Favorite place in Everett to eat?

Bucks American Cafe

Favorite place in Everett to hang?

Local thrift shops and the library

Favorite quote and/or words to live by?

"We can have lots of good fun that is funny!" Dr. Suess

What's next for you?

More light up pieces, or pieces with clocks. Functional Art has sold well for me, and I like how it keeps a piece from becoming invisible, since you use it every day.

Courtesy of Amy Alison Knutson

Where can people see more of your art?

For now, Etsy is the only place I'm selling.

I'm going to be looking into some good local shows however. My online customers often say how they were surprised that they loved a piece even more in person. There's something to be said for handling a piece. No matter how many pictures I take, they don't tell the whole story of a three dimensional piece of art.


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