Pokemon Go in Everett - Voltorbs and More

It's been a little over a month since Pokemon Go sent millions of people wandering around in search of Evees and Weedles, and the crowds have yet to cease meandering here in Everett.

I started playing one week after the game's release, and through some mild exploring have worked my way up to level 21 (team Instinct represent!). But none of that would be possible if Everett wasn't such a hot place for catching Pokemon.

Sure, by now we all know that the Edmonds Waterfront is a great place to find Pokemon of all shapes and sizes, but Everett has several areas that are walking distance from your home. Here are just a few sites I've found from exploring Everett.

The Hidden Treasure: McCollum Park
McCollum Park is right on the border of Everett and Mill Creek, and while it only has 3 or 4 pokestops, it is a great place to hatch some eggs while enjoying the scenery. You can choose to walk around the track with your dog, wander into the nature trails, or enjoy the small nature reserve and their lovely flowers and gardens.

But I haven't even mentioned the best part: McCollum Park is a Voltorb nest. After walking around for an hour, my husband and I caught 6 Voltorbs each. These things were popping up like crazy; even when we were getting ready to leave, 2 pounced on us without any warning.

Don't have a Voltorb yet? Head to McCollum park for quite the shock... pun fully intended.

Everett's Most Popular Place: Grand Ave Park
Grand Ave Park is hands down the most popular park for Pokemon Go players in Everett. This small stretch of land has a nice walking path, plenty of pokestops that are always lured, and a beautiful view (especially at sunset).

Grand Ave is also known for having rare Pokemon show up at random times. Just last week there was a Lapras spotting, which ended up being 1600+ cp. Very nice indeed.

Trainer beware, people enjoy bringing their dogs and children to Grand Park, so the walkways can be slightly congested at night. But if that's all that's stopping you from catching that long-awaited Lapras, I say go for it.

The Unexpected: All of Downtown Everett
This was the most surprising area we found, mainly because it's so obvious. There are dozens of pokestops all around downtown, especially at the corner of Pacific and Rucker. While distributing posters for the Everett Food Truck Festival, my husband and I found dozens of Pokemon while simultaneously building our stash of pokeballs. Who doesn't love multitasking?

A few of our finds included several Geodudes, a Kadabra and tons of Drowzees.

Honorable Mention: Kasch Park
Until one of the latest app updates, Kasch Park was the best place to catch the elusive Dratini. Now, all of its pokestops have been removed, and the Dratinis have fled in response. If you are like me, and didn't find this place before the massacre, may we mourn together.

Do you live in Everett and enjoy playing Pokemon Go? Join the Pokemon Go: Everett Facebook group for the latest scoop on what's going on.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go catch the Squirtle that just popped up on my tracker. Gotta catch 'em all!


Author's Note 8/24/16: Seemingly overnight, McCollum Park has transformed from a Voltorb hotspot into an Exeggcute nest. Go get 'em!


Anna is a freelance graphic designer who specializes in print and digital design. She also happens to be on Live in Everett's staff, helping manage the daily doings of the site.