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Live in Everett Member Profile: Diedrich Espresso

We’re super thankful to our Live in Everett Members - local organizations who have stepped up to help make Live in Everett possible.

We caught up with owner Jasmine Wilson to find out what Diedrich Espresso is all about.  

What is your name and role in your organization?

Jasmine Wilson - Owner

Number of years in business?

9 years on April 4, 2020.

How did your organization first get started?

A whim and a dream haha.

What’s your mission?

Support the community while serving quality coffee.

Why should people choose you? Or, what makes you different?

We give back - a lot. We are a very community-based company and donate thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours. We believe if you take care of your community they will take care of you.

Why did you choose Everett?

I have always loved Everett. My mom graduated in 1984 from Everett High. I am from Snohomish County and am passionate about it. Everett is the main hub!

What's your favorite thing about your organization or what you do?

We bring people together and are able to give back and get involved.

What is the most challenging thing your organization has had to overcome?

Young women. Both myself when I was 19 starting a business and now with the young ladies coming on. Saying that it's also a very rewarding part of my job. Seeing these young women come in and grow up and make good decisions and grow into adults.

Anything you wish more locals knew about your organization?

How invested we are in our community. We provide 80 jobs in Snohomish, Skagit and Island County. We support so many community events.

Your most important values?

Authenticity is very important to me. Being able to be myself and other people showing their true selves as well. I am very transparent and appreciate that in others. Honesty. Integrity. All of that same kind of track.

Favorite thing you've done to give back to the community?

Where to begin.

Economic Alliance Snohomish County - both the GM and I are ambassadors and I chaired for 2 years and was on leadership for 3. I also am on the small business board and the advocacy board. I was on the committee who put together the latest 5-year plan

American Cancer Society - I have chaired a Relay. I now chair the board and gala committee. We have been involved for maybe 5-6 years? We sponsor events and donate $5 gift cards to all of their survivors for all of the events. Diedrich has had a relay team in the past and I am on a strides team as well. Most recently we have partnered with IRG on a celebrity table for 2020 Gala and have some more things up our sleeve. We are going to do a “Change for a Change” In October for them for breast cancer awareness month. We do pink lids and put info on road to recovery on our cups in October as well. 

South Everett Mukilteo Rotary - I can't say enough good things about these people. Such cool people doing great things like giving scholarships to high schoolers, delivering turkey dinners for those who need them, shopping with kids during the holiday time for their SEMR funded gifts. All just amazing

Domestic Violence Snohomish County  - donor in their auction and doing “change for a change” In July for them. Buy a table in their purse auction for the Diedrich employees

Sherwood Community Services - Did “change for a change” March 2020 and raised over $3,300 despite COVID-19

What can Everett expect from you in the future?

More locations and more connections. I adore Maxwell at Narrative and what he does and stands for and so many other Everett business owners. I really hope that one day maybe all of us cafe/coffee stand owners could have a round table a couple of times a year and be more friendly to one another. Competition is healthy and we could all work together instead of against each other. I would love to meet more Everett business owners and build connections and friendships. I also want to continue to support our local non-profits and see what else we can do with them!

What's your favorite thing about Everett?

The culture. Like I said my mom was born and raised there. My grandma still lives in the same house. We have roots here and history. The places I went as a kid are still serving the same great food. Lombardi’s catered my wedding and I know Kerri well. It's just a really great community.

Favorite place to eat in Everett? 

Depending on my mood - Lombardis or Taco Book or Shawn O'Donnell's. All great, all different!

Favorite place to hang in Everett? 

I guess see above. I love to go to Lombardi’s for happy hour and a glass of wine. Bluewater or Scuttlebutt for spirits and apps. Buck’s American Cafe and Shawn O’Donnell’s for some beers and apps. So I eat a lot of apps and drink a lot… I was trying to think of what else I do but not much.

Anything else we forgot or that you'd like to mention?

I think that's it! I am an open book if you want to know anything more just ask!

Check out this article Richard Porter wrote about Jasmine.

12807 4TH AVE W


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