Live in Everett

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Live in Everett Turns Two!

Today Live in Everett turns two. Happy birthday to us!

We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve eaten donuts. But most importantly, we’ve got to know some great people in our community. And we do mean great.

To celebrate, we thought we’d give you a behind-the-scenes look at our operation.

We want to answer some common questions that we get from readers re: what we do, and how.

Q: Where do you work?

When we were scoping out locations for LIEv Central we wanted to set up shop in the most “Everett” of spots. Our headquarters are located inside the Muffler Man on Hewitt. Inside? Yes. It’s a tight squeeze.

Q: How did Garret and Tyler meet?

Every dynamic duo has an origin story. Founders Garret and Tyler met in a yacht rock band called Milltown Highlife—Tyler on keytar, Garret on drums. They were touring the Bahamas when, over pina coladas, they discovered that they both loved Everett, Washington. “Good things happen there!” they agreed. A movement was born. 

Several hundred blog posts and two food truck festivals later they are still in love with the city.

Q: What kind of donuts do you eat?

Administrative magician and Trello master Anna brings all the donuts to team meetings. She prefers Despi Delite Bakery on Broadway. She seems to be a pastry connoisseur of sorts, and is all about seasonal celebrations in all forms: apple cider, Christmas music, and pumpkin spice beverages. 

Q: Where do your articles come from?

All ideas come from the muses. A given morning: content manager Richard drinks four shots of espresso and then pounds out 750 words and calls it an article.

Over-caffeination and deadlines: these rituals appease the gods.

Q: Who records the podcast?

Audio whiz Henry J sits behind the panel every week. He records directly to reel-to-reel, autotunes the interviews, remixes them, and creates T-Pain-like dance numbers for each episode. The weekly “podcasts” that you hear are considered the B-sides of his forthcoming album “E-town Beatz.”

Q: Do good things actually happen here?

Absolutely. Behind our slogan is a true love for all things Everett. In the course of our work we’ve eaten some of the region’s best food, interviewed truly original thinkers, and have talked with the future of Everett’s political scene. It’s one hundred percent not hyperbole to say that we live in a great city. Which, really, a great city is great people.

So thank you for tuning in.

We’ll be around if you need to catch us.

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