2018 is here in full force. Which means it's time for another Everett real estate market update*. Let's peep last months numbers, December 2017:

Update_December 2017.png

For more perspective, let's look at the previous months numbers, November 2017:

Update_November 2017.png

Things slightly slowed from November to December. No big surprise. Holidays. For a broader perspective, let's time travel back to this time last year, December 2016:

Update_December 2016.png

Comparing December 2016 to 2017 year over year:

  • The average home price went up $30k
  • The average home sold 7 days faster
  • Over 30% more homes sold

Yet again, it's looking like the Everett market is continuing trend upward. 📈🔝🔥👆

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Welp, until next month. TTFN.

*Stats provided by the Northwest Multiple Listing Service. Numbers reflect single family homes and condos. 

Author Pic - Garret and Tyler.png

Garret and Tyler sell real estate (sometimes).
Mostly they just eat lunch.