Happy September, friends. 

Every month we like to take a look at the Everett real estate market*. Let's take a glance at last months numbers, August 2017:

Aug 20170.png

Alright. Now for comparison sake, lets look at the month before that, July 2017:

July 20170.png

It appears average prices had a small dip from July to August. Number of days on market stayed almost the exact same, but interestingly, despite the slightly lower average price, 37 more homes sold in August, or about 15% more "units" than the prior month. 

For a broader comparison, let's take a look at last year, August 2016:

Aug 20160.png

As always, here's where we see the bigger differences. Average prices year over year went up $38,000 or, about 11%. Also, 58 more homes sold this August compared to August last year, which is an increase of over 25%.

All in all, despite a slight price dip in August, things definitely seem to be continuing to trend upward. With Seattles rapid job growth in the tech sector, continued growth for the greater Seattle area seems inevitable. Some economists are even predicting Seattle's housing market will eventually out pace San Francisco, which currently has a median home price of over 1.1 million.  

Do you have a question about Everett Real Estate?
Feel free to contact us anytime. Whether you're looking to buy, sell, or for a free consultation, we're here to help. We offer real estate services, info on Everett neighborhoods, and a free weekly newsletter all about the good things happening in Everett.

*Stats provided by the Northwest Multiple Listing Service. Numbers reflect single family homes and condos. 

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Garret and Tyler are the founders of Live in Everett. They enjoy sharing about the good things happening around Everett. They also own Milltown Creative and sell real estate.