#LiveInEverett September Top Picks

Here's our top 10 #LiveInEverett picks of the month. Brought to you by you. Thanks for sharing your Everett goodness, friends! 🙌 

Buddy, we think you’re getting ahold of this selfie thing, too. 📸

I’m not sure what I like more, Kiplee Art or Choux Choux… I should probably go get a croissant to contemplate this.

I’m not entirely sure what’s happening here, but I totally dig it. Nice shot Josh 🙌

The future is here.

Note to self: apparently Basil in South Everett opened.

That’s not a bad looking way to wake up.

Thanks for supporting us on Patreon Sean T! BTW, if you don’t find a CD player, you can always use it as a coaster.

The Bra Shop — fighting cancer with style. 👍

Whoa. Nice find Lindsay 🎉 That’s one way to learn the history of your house!

That's it for this month's #liveineverett. Want to be featured in next month's post? Make sure to use #liveineverett in your Everett shots on Instagram. Keep on spreading that Everett goodness, friends!