Sketchy Everett Volume 19 - Mission Building
This unique 107-year old building has always stood out to me, but I never knew it's story until I sat down to draw it this week.
The "Mission Building" is it's new name. It's the old Snohomish County Courthouse, built in 1909. It's part of the Snohomish County campus on Rockefeller Avenue in Downtown Everett. It's still actively used as a superior court and houses several governmental offices!
The Spanish Colonial style was all the rage in the early 1900s and makes a statement today, despite being surrounded by taller buildings. It was restored on it's 100th birthday and is on the National Register of Historic Places.
For the full story on the Mission Building check out this article.
Click to enlarge.
Elizabeth is an Everett, Washington-based artist and graphic designer. Using pen and watercolor, she sketches from life and creates 'illustrative infographics,' often featuring Northwest themes.