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Tuesday July 3rd was their first official run through. The theatre was filled with young thespians fiddling with props, parents finalizing pyrotechnics, and stage hands clad head-to-toe in black pushing set pieces in place.

Welcome to fabulous Camelot.

Ludus Productions Presents Monty Python's SPAMALOT

In its fifth season of theatrics, Ludus Performing Arts is pulling out all the stops for their upcoming show Monty Python's SPAMALOT. This full-fledged musical is the most ambitious show they’ve assembled yet, with 27 wireless mics, fog machines, rope lighting, video projections, and pyrotechnics.

In this case, to say this show will have sparks flying in Everett isn’t an over exaggeration.

Over 50 students will be performing on stage in the bright lights, some having up to six costume changes each. Another 30 students are the hidden superstars, running on and off stage to move a nordic tree into place or cue the floating head of God on a projected background.

If you’re a fan of Monty Python humor and aren’t afraid of a few flesh wounds, make sure you come out for this over-the-top show. I’ll see you there.


Ludus Performing Arts Presents: Monty Python’s SPAMALOT

Opening Night July 6th at 7 p.m.
Running until July 28th


Anna works at Live in Everett, helping manage the daily doings of the site. She was also once a drama stagehand in high school and got stuck on top of a piece of set during a show, causing her to hide in the shadows for the whole scene. True story.