Images by Taylor Majek.

Have you been dreaming of a place where your kids can play while you have a drink with your friends? A place with a fridge full of kid and adult friendly snacks? Don’t worry, I’m not describing your house. This place is even better because it has ice cream! Yes, I’m talking about The Ice Cream Bar! A new family friendly taphouse on Colby in downtown Everett. Emphasis on the family friendly.  And I can confirm, this place is awesome!

There are plenty of family friendly breweries and tap houses in our area. Once I had kids I entered these expecting to enjoy them the same way I did before I had kids. And it was very difficult. Family friendly does not always mean that the space was planned with children in mind. These are still great places to go, but maybe when the kids are a little older. At least if you have multiple that are in the toddler years like I do! With three kids under the age of 5, it is very hard to get out somewhere and relax. But when The Ice Cream Bar opened I saw a part of my pre-kid life that I could have back without having to leave the kids with grandma. I want you to have that too!

The Ice Cream Bar was planned with children in mind. They have a play area, complete with a gated area to keep the sitters and the crawlers safe from the big kids. There’s a comfy couch and bar stools so you can sit with your bevy and watch your kids play. And we all know kids can’t go long without a snack! There are snacks for purchase as well as a full menu to order from when the kids get hungry. Not to mention the ice cream! Four rotating flavors complete with toppings. This place could not get any better! 

Except it totally can- I know we’ve all been there. Your child is eating their ice cream without a care in the world, and by the time they’re done, it’s all over their entire little body as well as the table, the chair and somehow you. You either forgot the diaper bag or you’re out of wipes (Me every time). So you settle for paper napkins. And it is not enough. Not even close. So you take a deep breath and tell yourself it’s okay, they’re getting a bath tonight anyways. But it doesn’t have to be like that any more! The Ice Cream Bar has a pack of wipes at the end of the counter. When I saw this on my first visit, I knew the Ice Cream Bar had a special place in my heart. 

My kids did not want to leave and have been asking to go back! It passes the mom test and the kid test. 

The Ice Cream Bar
2810 Colby Ave
Everett, WA 98201


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