Engaging Everett: Now & Tomorrow
“What can we do to help, how can we invest in our city right now?”
I hear this question often from people who love this city. As a pastor it is a privilege to point people toward hope and truth, which often leads them to extend that same hope to their neighbors. Having lived and served in Everett for just over a year, I am still learning the ebbs and flows of our new community, and catching glimpses of ways to answer this very question, “How can we help?”
I have to say, one of the unexpected pleasures of this last year has been recognizing so many unique and engaging aspects of our new hometown—from the local arts and music scene to discovering great food spots (I was euphoric the weekend we moved in when I discovered that our family could have delicious Thai food delivered to our front door!), Everett quickly became the best place for our family to settle that I could have ever imagined.
It has been a delight to find ways in which people—myself included—can really help out and invest in the people we call neighbor. One thing that has been so encouraging is to learn about our local officials who wrestle with hard questions, and seek long-term, effective community development, along with many great non-profit organizations who are daily serving and caring for people facing uphill struggles.
I believe that there is a unique model developing in Everett, in which faith-based organizations and churches are collaborating together, learning from social service experts along with our city leadership and finding effective and efficient opportunities to bring hope to poverty, opioid addiction, and other struggles in Everett.
I don’t have a perfect answer to people asking what they can do, but I always start with the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. “Get educated and (then) get involved,” I often urge people in our church!
Everett Faith In Action leaders learning about the many services available at Everett Gospel Mission.
One thing I encourage everybody, regardless of their faith, background, or their future ambitions, is to be a part of the discussion in this important upcoming mayoral race. Everett is moving in a brave new direction, and incumbent leadership needs to be aware of and be planning for what is best for all of us.
Everett Faith In Action, a group of faith-based leaders in our community collaborating with the city, is hosting a Mayoral Forum on July 20, 6:30 PM at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church to discuss homelessness, poverty, and caring for our neighbors with all mayoral candidates.
Do you want to help? Do you want to learn what you can do to improve our community? Join the discussion, hear from our leadership, and share your thoughts.
For more information, find Everett Faith In Action on Facebook.
Ben Breeden is the lead pastor of Refuge Foursquare Church in Downtown Everett and participates with Everett Faith In Action. He and his wife Kristin have three kids, and together they love exploring, hiking, and enjoying Ben’s dad jokes.