I was scrolling through my Facebook feed two weeks ago when I noticed a pending land use action notice. It was posted by the Delta Neighborhood Association.
The notice described a new 201 unit multi-family housing project on the SW corner of E Marine View Drive & 16th Street. Plans for the Riverview I apartments include 45 supportive housing units. If approved, the apartments will fill the lots that Bad Dog Espresso and Economy Fence Company now occupy, adjacent to the north border of Senator Henry M. Jackson Park.
The Riverview I apartments will have embedded social services, care of two local nonprofit organizations: Mary’s Place, and Create Housing.
The development plans call for nine buildings on about six acres.
Last week the Riverview I apartments showed up again in my FB feed—this time in a post on the public group Take Back Our Neighborhood - Everett, North.
On both the Delta and TBON posts the majority of commenters seemed to decry the decision to place a 70 foot building near an already busy intersection. Some locals felt that the city had not been transparent in notifying the neighbors or providing adequate signage indicating the proposed land use action.
The project proposal is public record, viewable on the city's Online Permitting Portal. The applicant has a listed address of 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 1200 Bellevue, WA 98004. This is the location of business offices for Heartland Construction. Heartland is a property developer that has built a series of low-income housing projects.
Heartland's website has has 18 housing projects listed in the Seattle area. They built the Axis apartments in Everett in 2016.
Heartland’s offices in downtown Bellevue.
At a recent city council meeting the chair and vice-chair of the Delta Neighborhood Association proposed an extended public comment period for the Riverview I project. The city responded, extending the comment period through April 30th, 2018.
Any person who submits written comments about Riverview I will receive a copy of the notice of the decision.
If you’d like to comment, please contact the City of Everett Planning & Community Development Department at (425) 257-8731 or send an email here.
Plans for the Riverview apartments are viewable online here. Click on “Land Use Projects” and search “SEPA17-019.”
Leave us a comment. We're curious to hear your thoughts.
Richard Porter writes for Live in Everett.