The Cream of the Crop: The Monte Cristo Awards

With the deadline for Monte Cristo Award nominations fast approaching, we thought we’d get the scoop from our very own Linda War Bonnet, who also happens to be helping organize the awards this year. Here’s everything you need to know about one of Everett’s most coveted plaques.

2018 award winner at 3520 Oakes Ave // Courtesy Monte Cristo Awards

2018 award winner at 3520 Oakes Ave // Courtesy Monte Cristo Awards

For those who don't know, what are the Monte Cristo Awards?

The Monte Cristo Awards recognize neighbors who make Everett special by taking pride in their property.

The award was created in 1994 by a committee of residents working with the Office of Neighborhoods. The awards inspire other neighbors to improve their homes and landscapes. Business owners are recognized for the visual street appeal of their business locations.

Representatives from the Council of Neighborhoods and community volunteers choose award winners from properties that have been nominated by the community. Recipients are recognized at the awards event in October where they receive a plaque to display on their home or business.

There are four award categories:

Green Gardening - This award is given to homeowners who have implemented natural or green gardening practices.

Neighborhood Friendly Business - This award is given to businesses that rate high in overall visual quality from the street view.

Pride of the Neighborhood - Homes and yards that consistently look their best deserve this award.

Rejuvenation and Transformation - These are residential properties that have changed for the better, transformed by the owners to be a visual asset.

When are the awards?

As long as there are enough nominations, the award ceremony is October 10 at the Historic Everett Theater. Everyone in the community is invited to this free event.  There will be light refreshments, a no-host bar and an opportunity to see photos of the winning homes.

This is a special year for the awards because it is the 25th anniversary and the master of ceremonies will be our very own Garret Hunt and Tyler Chism.

Who can participate?

Anyone can nominate an Everett resident or business.  You can nominate your own property if you wish. Multi-family dwellings, including apartment complexes, can be nominated as well which helps make the awards more inclusive. Last year Walden Pond Apartments (now The Winsley) in the Holly Neighborhood won recognition as a Neighborhood Friendly Business. 

It’s not just houses—The Independent Beer Bar won a Monte last year // Courtesy Monte Cristo Awards

It’s not just houses—The Independent Beer Bar won a Monte last year // Courtesy Monte Cristo Awards

It should be noted that the nomination committee does not compare properties from one neighborhood against another neighborhood.  You can nominate your neighbor's home even if it may not compare to one of the beautiful historic homes on Grand Avenue.

How long does it take to nominate someone?

Let’s say 10 minutes tops. It's super easy!

  1. Take up to three pictures of the property

  2. Make a note of the address

  3. Write a brief statement about why you are nominating the property

  4. Submit the info using the online form.

Nominations are due by July 1!

This Monte Award winner is on 109th Street // Courtesy Monte Cristo Awards

This Monte Award winner is on 109th Street // Courtesy Monte Cristo Awards

What's the value of the  Monte Cristo Awards to our community?

There are many facets of value to the community. Winners are truly excited to be recognized for the work they do to keep their property looking good, and there are always good feels in nominating someone who then wins an award.

The awards seem to be spurring some friendly competition. We are hearing pitches for nominations on social media and some neighbors are expediting yard work so their home will be photography-ready.

A great thing about the Monte Cristo Awards is that neighbors across the city come together and make the event happen. The event was cut from the city budget last year, but some neighborhood leaders really believed in the Monte Cristo Awards and wanted the tradition to continue. 

This Monte winner took home a plaque for Rejuvenation and Transformation // Courtesy Monte Cristo Awards

This Monte winner took home a plaque for Rejuvenation and Transformation // Courtesy Monte Cristo Awards

A small but mighty group made it happen in 2018, and this year the group is bigger. Volunteering is one way to build community, and the event is maybe more meaningful because it is put on by residents. 

That said, volunteers are still needed to help plan the awards event, take photos of the nominees, select the recipients and set up and host the awards event in October. If you are interested, please contact Linda War Bonnet at or (425) 610-8462.

Lastly, there is also value to the community in having pride in our homes and businesses and in the city we live in.  Good things happen here. Why not be proud of those good things? 

Nominate a property now
(Before the July 1 deadline!)

The Monte Cristo Awards
Thursday, October 10
Historic Everett Theatre

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Live in Everett is a media outlet dedicated to reporting on the good things that happen in our city. We like to share about new restaurants, culture, events, and opportunities for civic engagement. Learn more about us here, and join us as we proudly wave the Everett flag.