#LiveinEverett: April's Top 12 Picks
Greetings all! While compiling this month's Instagram beauties, the feed was overflowing with images of things that make Everett such a great city. Not just the blooms (which are amazing fo' real) but all the events, sunsets, good neighbors, and small business pride.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: you guys make Everett look good. Like, really good.
If you see an image that especially piques your #omg meter, comment below! We'll give a few of these lucky Everetteers a gift card from one of our sponsors. Enjoy this month's insta picks for #liveineverett!
1. While being a good neighbor @jbarb666 found this awesome piece of history.
2. Local artist @i_cut_things doodled Everett away. I'd tattoo that. #newink
3. Spring is here! Spring is there! Spring is everywhere! Thanks for this gorgeous picture of the blooms @waheather 😍
12 Likes, 2 Comments - @waheather on Instagram: "Spring! #spring #liveineverett #stoppingtonotice"
4. We had a blast getting to know these four, friendliest folks around @a_grand_renovation.
5. Proud of @daisy9979 for pushing herself in Everett's 10k. #accomplished
6. Have you seen all the new signage on the Funko building? Those flashing lights tho, @rantonerik.
7. Breakfast dates are the best kind of dates, especially when doing research for the EVVY Awards. @rascal.media (hey, that's me! 😉)
8. Cute pups and spring flowers, I'd watch that show @the_ophelia_show.
9. I think it's time we followed @fascistkittens lead and got ourselves a strawberry whatever-that-is. ASAP.
10. Um, lolwut? @everettcommcollege shenanagins.
BONUS ROUND! because there's just too much good stuff.
11. Everett sunsets are the best sunsets 😍
12. Love macro shots of nature 🌼
Comment below with your favorite choices!

Anna is a freelance graphic designer who specializes in print and digital design. She also happens to be on Live in Everett's staff, helping manage the daily doings of the site.