Here's our top #LiveInEverett picks from Instagram this last month. Thank you for sharing your Everett goodness with us. We are thankful for this stellar community! 🙌
Someone’s ready to jump in and get this party started.
There’s a way to start the day.
Warning: this photo from Bluewater Distilling may cause drooling 🤤
How could we leaf this one out?
That’s a big boat!
Thanks bros! You rule (x10 🙌) 🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑
Children, avert your eyes! Oh wait that’s right, I guess bears typically are naked.
Okay, I know Thanksgiving’s over, but is Soundbite Cider still serving these?!
Hey, speaking of Soundbite Cider, that was fun shooting a Live in Everett TV there the other week during Engage Everett. Congrats on scoring some of our merch during the raffle Eat Stay Love Snoco!
Callatini, you get the award for best composition meets caption. Can we make this an on-going series, please?
With the Rucker Renewal Project still well underway, remember to make a point to support Mazatlan and the many businesses being effected by all the construction in Downtown Everett.
Gotta love Everett’s postcard-worthy sunsets.
Everett Santa Photos are back again (new location at 2829 Wetmore Ave), and, hold on, is that a skunk?!
Okay, we’re outta here.
That's it for this month's #liveineverett.
Want to be featured in next month's post? Make sure to use #liveineverett on Instagram.
Keep on spreading that Everett goodness, friends! ✌️

Garret is a business broker with KR Brokers, a business consultant, and co-founder/CEO of Live in Everett. He grew up in the North end of Snohomish County and lives in Everett’s Bayside neighborhood.