#LiveinEverett April Picks

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The sun came out, and all us odd Everettites made our way out of our homes and into the blinding light known as spring. And where there is beauty, there are Instagram photos, so let's see what everyone was up to this April!

1. First things first, cute dogs like @bulletproofblonde's catahoula hound.

2. A picnic at Grand Ave seems like a great idea @villioa. And yes, we can't tell the difference between Paris and Everett either.

3. Not every day can be sunny, so when it isn't at least we have the library and coffee.


A post shared by Sean Gasperetti (@seangasperetti) on

4. Who new spring also brought along babies! 😍 (Beware, this account shows people having babies without a filter.)

5. Old city equals old trucks.

Seen on last night’s walk along Rucker Ave in #BaysideEverett #LiveinEverett

A post shared by Lewis Nelson (@lewisnelson) on

6. Holy shiitake mushroom! Can't you just picture these bad boys on a home-made pizza?

7. Tuco is such a cutie, and he's also in the running for Everett's Cutest Pet...

8. Afternoon strolls should always be interrupted with swing time.

On our first walk to Safeway today. #swing #flyingtoddler #liveineverett

A post shared by Krystal (@happydahlgirl) on

9. Oh yeah, that one giant music fest happened this month. Here's Henry J doing his thang. Also, where can I get a shirt like that? Also also, where can I find a beer that big?

10. Crazy to think that this building has been torn down and building of the new Cocoon House has begun!

*BONUS* Good to see that at least one person is taking advantage of our lovely earth.

That's it for this month! Want to be featured in a future #liveineverett post? Make sure you use #liveineverett on Instagram so we can see your shots ✌️


Anna is an Everett-based graphic designer who eats donuts more often than clinicians deem "healthy". She also hangs with Tyler and Garret at Live in Everett, helping manage the daily doings of the site.