Say Hello: 6 Ways to Make Friends in Everett
Editor’s note: Originally published April 11, 2017. Updated September 2, 2021.
We did a Live In Everett survey a while back, and one of the themes that stuck out to me from the results were people wanting a greater sense of community and easier ways to connect.
I get that. One of the main reasons I chose to move to Everett in the first place was because of community.
I'm an introvert, and mediocre at best when it comes to small talk, so meeting people has always been challenging for me. I first moved to Everett knowing a community like Everett would increase the likelihood that I could connect with others. The walkability, density, downtown core, and frequent events all help in being able to connect with others more easily.
Here are just a few ways that have helped me connect with others since moving to Everett:
Hobbies & Shared Interests
Preferably outdoor hobbies. For me, one place I've met people is the skatepark. Skateboarding has been a hobby of mine for two decades. Anything you do out in public where other people may be doing something similar makes for an easy conversation starter. "Oh, I see you also enjoy mall walking?"
Mutual friends
Obvious, but mighty. One of the easiest ways to meet people is through other people. It's similar to the wonders of compound interest; the more people you know, the easier it is to know more people. Obviously, if you're brand new to the area and know no one, this doesn't help. But it does get easier over time.
Enjoying paintball with some friends (check out the video here).
Supporting Others
Do you know someone starting a church or non-profit? A budding local artist or musician? It's hard to do good stuff; to build or create something. Recognizing someone's efforts is an easy way to connect. Especially if their efforts resonate with you. Do you dig their music? The cause of their non-profit? Offer to volunteer. Encourage them.
To make a friend, be a friend.
External Routines
I was going to call this, "be a repeat customer," but the real theme is routines. Particularly ones outside. If you walk the same route every day, or go get breakfast at the same diner every week, you're more likely to meet people. Say hello as you pass by someone. Get to know your server by name. You just may develop a friendly rapport.
Leave Margin for Pleasantries
I've noticed most people in Everett don't say hello when they pass strangers on the sidewalk. But why not? Just say hello. Smile. Be friendly. Leave a little margin in your schedule for a short friendly chat. You can't meet someone if you aren't willing to give them the time of day.
Start Something
Remember #3, people doing something? You can always do something, too. No one needs permission to start something. It's easier than ever to start a blog, a YouTube channel, a podcast, community meet-ups, events, groups, classes, volunteer.
Here's some friends of mine picking up garbage around Clark Park back in 2010. I met these great people shortly after moving to Everett.
Go to neighborhood meetings. Help at non-profits. Go grab a garbage bag and rubber gloves and pick up some trash. Bake your neighbor cookies. Host a block party. The hardest part is starting, but if you put yourself out there, you will meet people.
Again, these are just a few ways that have helped me. What are some ways that have helped you connect with others and build relationships? If you're looking for events around Everett to connect with people at, make sure you check out our events calendar and subscribe to the Weekly Goodness.
Garret is the co-founder + CEO of Live in Everett. He’s also journeying toward wholeness at