#Liveineverett May Picks

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Where has the year gone so far?! We're in the full swing of spring/summer with sunny skies, fresh blooms, and loads of summer events. It's also a great time to take pictures, which you guys are pros at on Instagram.

Check out the latest and greatest #liveineverett shots from May!

P.S. That waffle in the header was one of Strawberry Patch Cafe's monthly specials in May. And yes, their specials are always as good as they sound.

1. Strolling with the seagulls on a sunny day.

2. Check out these stellar shots from Cruising to Colby.

#cruisintocolby #cruisincolby2018 #apolloandtherockets #everettwa #liveineverett

A post shared by Dana Steele (@echinodermania) on

3. That moment when the morning cinnamon rolls come out of the oven at the New Mexicans 😍

4. Poppies are some of the most gorgeous blooms out there, don't you agree?

Poppy season 😍 #liveineverett #flowerlove #nofilterneeded #gardenenvy

A post shared by Crystal (@pretty.average) on

5. Besides peonies of course 😉

6. The murals in Everett are very photo worthy, what are some of your favorites?

Feelin’ the love of Jesus 🌿

A post shared by katie ☼ weir (@k_weir) on

7. All these vintage buildings in our lovely downtown seem to look even better with spring blooms and greenery.

8. Funko pops and pastries, sounds like the perfect Saturday in Everett.

9. Spring greenery is almost as mesmerizing as spring blooms, especially with pro photogaphers like these.

10. Hey Paul, we love Everett too. And oatmeal cookies ✌️ Also, good luck on that house remodel.

*BONUS* Because these photos are too pretty to pass up.

That's it for this month! Want to be featured in a future #liveineverett post? Make sure you use #liveineverett on Instagram so we can see your shots ✌️


Anna is an Everett-based graphic designer who eats donuts more often than clinicians deem "healthy". She also hangs with Tyler and Garret at Live in Everett, helping manage the daily doings of the site.