Header image: Exploring the Everett Waterfront // Garret Hunt
You know the drill. Every month (ish) we love to share your top photos from #LiveInEverett on Instagram. Here’s our top 10 picks from April!
Starting things off on a high note.
Sol Food Tacos?! Yes please.
Good old bloomin’ season.
Love the character of this beautiful historic home.
Cool piece from samwatsonsart.
Sweet Cherry Lime? Don’t mind if I do.
ArtofJosh.Gallery catching some waves!
Looks like Buds Garage wasn’t the only one celebrating 4/20 this month.
Picture perfect cuteness.
Fun times at Flying Squirrel … Speaking of which, time to bounce!
That's it for this month's #liveineverett.
Want to be featured in next month's post? Make sure to use #liveineverett in your Everett shots on Instagram. Keep on spreading that Everett goodness, friends!

Live in Everett is a media outlet dedicated to reporting on the good things that happen in our city. We like to share about new restaurants, culture, events, and opportunities for civic engagement. Learn more about us here, and join us as we proudly wave the Everett flag.