I had to take a few days to consider whether I was willing to disclose this gem, and I am honestly still a little on the fence. You see, Janel Schnee, the unparalleled healing talent that is Roots Barefoot Massage & Mobility, is usually booked up months in advance. However, I’ve booked my sessions for the year, so I’m going to do you all a favor and clue you in to a superhero who practices massage smack dab in the heart of downtown Everett. 

Superhero Janel to the rescue // Courtesy Janel Schnee

Superhero Janel to the rescue // Courtesy Janel Schnee

Janel practices traditional deep tissue massage (and she’s fantastic at it). But I’d like to recommend that you give another of her skills a try—Ashiatsu massage. 

What is Ashiatsu? 

It’s a massage technique in which the therapist utilizes their bare feet and body weight to deliver consistent and controlled pressure to your body. At Roots Barefoot Massage, Janel supports her body weight by holding on to a set of parallel bars mounted above the massage table—combining long, flowing strokes (using her feet) with faster, lighter ones. An expert at tailoring the intensity and focus of the massage to your exact needs, Janel never fails to deliver an incredibly relaxing, therapeutic full-body massage. 

As complicated as it looks, barefoot massage is the simply divine // Courtesy Janel Schnee

As complicated as it looks, barefoot massage is the simply divine // Courtesy Janel Schnee

I know, I know… massage with feet sounds a bit odd—but it truly isn’t. When you lay down on your back, Janel places a towel beneath your head and gently wraps your head up so that even if you opened your eyes you wouldn’t have any uncomfortable views. And of course, when you flip, your head is placed in one of those plushy massage face holders and unless you constantly remind yourself, I bet you forget that Janel is using her feet rather than her hands—she’s just that skilled.  

Tattoos not required // Courtesy Janel Schnee

Tattoos not required // Courtesy Janel Schnee

If my word isn’t enough, literally every single person I’ve ever recommended to her has quickly become a regular. 

To sum it up, if you find yourself in need of some bodywork to focus on an injury or just crave a bit of self-care or maintenance, Roots Barefoot Massage & Mobility can’t be beat. 

Roots Barefoot Massage & Mobility
2804 Grand Ave
Suite 307-A
Everett, WA 98201
 425 259-6962

Tammy Weisberger.png

Tammy lives and works in Everett, WA with a disgraceful pitskunk named Samhain the Druid, three professional shrew killers, two strange children, and a lawyer to keep them all out of trouble.