This story is brought to you by Live in Everett Member, ESC Mattress Center.
You can be on top of everything at work, keep a clean home, have a stellar meal plan, and get plenty of exercise, but what happens if you aren't sleeping well? Everything falls apart. Simply put, our bodies and minds spend a third of our lives recovering from and preparing for the other two-thirds making sleep one of the most important pillars of good health.

Most people need between six and nine hours of sleep a night, and you probably have a pretty good idea how much you need. Whether you're getting all the sleep you need can be a different story. If the quality of your sleep isn't what's stopping you from getting enough ZZZs, you might be fighting an uphill battle against your own natural sleep pattern. Some of us are naturally early risers who stay up late because of social obligations, homework, or a TV show we can't stop binge-watching. Others would benefit from segmented sleep but it never occurred to them to break up the night into chunks.
By now you've heard all of the advice, but generalized wisdom about sleep wellness can't apply to everyone, and some sources haven’t been updated in a while. They say to keep smartphones out of the bedroom, but you might benefit from getting rid of the alarm clock and using the phone instead, or at least hiding the alarm clock so you won't check the time whenever you wake up throughout the night. We've all been told not to watch TV in bed but some of us pass out in 10 minutes with it on. You probably have a friend who drinks coffee all evening and another who can't have any caffeine at all. Guidelines are great, but nobody knows your body like you do.
Some sleep issues are beyond your control. If you wake up feeling hungover every day even if you've been completely sober for weeks, you may have an obstructive sleep apnea issue. The good news is that sleep studies can now be done at home with equipment that's shipped to you, so you don't have to spend the night in a strange facility while people watch. Many other issues impact sleep as well, so talk to your doctor if you just can't drift off and stay asleep, or you feel terrible no matter how long you sleep.

The foundation for a good night's sleep is a good mattress, and Live in Everett member ESC Mattress Center can help find the right one for you. It's tempting during the pandemic to order a mattress online, but there's really no way to know how one feels without laying on it first. ESC follows all the sanitizing and social distancing protocols you've come to expect, plus they provide disposable mattress and pillow shields while you comfort test mattresses hand-picked from the top brands. Give yourself lots of time because a mattress that feels good when you lay down might leave you sore 20 minutes later. This is especially important if--like most of us as we age--you have back pain. If that's your issue, an adjustable bed frame can be a game-changer.
Award-Winning local mattress store, ESC Mattress Center is open seven days a week, offers interest-free financing and has an unparalleled 365-day comfort guarantee. Call, browse their selection of mattresses online, or stop by to find the bed of your dreams.
ESC Mattress Center
10121 Evergreen Way #30
Everett, WA 98204
425 512-0017
Member Profile

Christopher Bragg works from home in Everett and loves walking, swimming, and cats. You can find him all over town, but only if you keep weird hours and avoid crowds like he does.