Why Do I Care About Market Basket?
Editor’s note: Originally published September 28, 2017. Republished September 24, 2020.
I buy darn good wine at Market Basket.
The nice stuff. Refrigerated, imported, impress-your-dinner-guests wine.
You wouldn’t necessarily expect such a fine selection of vintages from a cinderblock convenience store on the corner of 19th and Walnut.
Actually, let me back up.
Let's cut the cute stuff. I buy both good and bad wine at Market Basket.

Why bad wine?
Because I live in Everett and I'm not above buying a cheap-o merlot.
Market Basket has a very nice selection of bottom-shelf, questionable, bang-for-your-buck bottles, perfect for setting your teeth on edge and churning your gut.
This is part of why I love Market Basket. No pretense. Everyone who sets foot through the glass doors is there to get their thing: ciggies after a day of hanging drywall, tallboys of Rainier, gummy bears, or a styrofoam cup of ramen.
In my neighborhood Market Basket is the peoples’ store.
The customers here are mostly quirky types whom I know personally. All of the employees ask me about my kids. My kids, in turn, know all the employees. It’s a de facto community hub: everyone goes and bumps into everyone.

And that’s about how I feel about it. I like getting a little quality Pinot Grigio at the neighborhood joint, talking weather with whoever's in line, hearing the little trumpet noises that announce winning lotto tickets.
So, Market Basket, count this as my tribute to you. You’re welcome.
And keep the wine and small talk coming. Top shelf or bottom. Doesn’t matter to me.
Can you believe how the weather's been? Warm September, alright. Can't believe the price of gas. Don't get me started on the Mariners this season.
Catch you next time.
Market Basket
1901 Walnut St
Everett, WA 98201

Richard Porter is a writer for Live in Everett. He lives here and drinks coffee.