We recently received an update from our friend Andi Skorheim over at the YMCA of Snohomish County about some of the great things the Y has been up to lately.

One of the biggest updates is that the YMCA of Everett and all six of the Snohomish County YMCA branches are halfway through their Annual Campaign, with a goal of $1.3 million. Andi explains, "These funds go directly back to the community, providing discount memberships to anyone who otherwise would not be able to afford it, as well as helping pay for our teens, senior, youth sports, childcare, and swim programs."

But the YMCA isn't just focused on fundraising. They're also working hard to bring back programs for seniors, which took a hit during the pandemic. Andi shared that their active older adult fitness classes have sometimes been particularly popular, with over 50 participants.

Additionally, the YMCA offers water fitness, chair yoga, forever fit classes, daily coffee, and connections hours, often including games like cribbage and bingo. Andi adds, "We have a calendar of events available for seniors, and we'd love to share it with anyone interested."

Clearly, the YMCA is much more than just a gym; its mission is to inspire, nurture, and strengthen culturally vibrant communities through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Andi says, "Our mission has kept us strong for over 100 years in Everett."

If you want to learn more about the YMCA of Snohomish County and its programs for seniors, check out their website. And if you have grandparents or other seniors in your life, don't hesitate to pass along the senior calendar of events – they're sure to find something they'll love!


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