Life in Everett Journals: Christina Strand
Editor’s Note: This is a first in a series of journal entries from members of our community as we adapt to stay at home orders during the COVID-19 outbreak. I’ve gone back and forth wondering if these entries will fit the “Good Things” focus of Live in Everett, but everything about relating, connecting and learning from our neighbors is a Good Thing. ~Linda
Christina Strand
Administrative Assistant for Community Transit
Bayside Neighborhood (GO BAYSIDE!)
April 7, 2020
The last couple of days have started to feel normal, which is a feeling I wasn’t expecting to experience any time soon. I went on a run yesterday and people waved at me. Those not wearing masks smiled as I jogged by giving them extra space for my labored breathing. We cracked jokes at work.

My family has been spread out across the country for a few years now, but suddenly we call each other almost every day. I love to watch the world through the eyes of my young nephews. I was struggling recently, and my sister asked the boys to give me words of encouragement. The three-year-old fell to the ground and rolled around. The five-year-old expressed that he likes worms. Today the boys didn’t want to talk, they wanted to watch videos about COVID. I’m sure they have a million questions.

Now that things are starting to feel settled, as in I’m finding a new routine, I’m letting my mind wander with what the future will look like. My grandpa always looks at me when I tell him any story of something that has happened to me and asks, “what did you learn?” I want to keep that question as close to my heart when we start to get back into daily life. What did I learn from this? Did I learn how to ask for help, even when it feels like so many others have more pressing needs? Did I learn to appreciate my snuggly puppy instead of rushing off to my next commitment? Did I learn to enjoy spending time with myself? As much as I want to say yes to all of those questions, I think the real test will be to look back after the dust settles and evaluate the choices I make every day.
The number one thing I’ve learned so far is that I get lost if I don’t feel accomplished. A few days ago I started setting small goals for myself, be it to clean the kitchen, get a run in, or to send that card to a friend. Every time I get to check something off my list I feel like things are going to be okay, if not now then soon.

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