Artist Profile: Richard Porter
Name & Hometown:
Richard Porter, Everett
Current Neighborhood:
The Delta Neighborhood -- the epicenter of cultural happenings
Your Medium/Craft:
Writing and music
Years doing your craft:
30 years of writing, 19 years of music
Author and musician Richard Porter // Courtesy of Jasmine Woll
How did you first get started in your craft?
I’ve always liked stories, especially stories that take you to different worlds and different places. I think stories show the way through a lot of situations, as characters have to be brave and face obstacles. That's life, no?
Also, as a reader, you’re allowed to look inside the minds and hearts of characters. I read that folks who read fiction have stronger emotional intelligence and compassion. Those are attributes that I appreciate, am drawn to, and try to foster in myself. People with stories to spare are my favorite people.

A short history of Everett // Porter Wordsmith
Favorite Artist(s) and/or Inspirations?
My best inspiration comes when I can clear my mind with a walk or a bike ride. Or sometimes no-think sessions look like wearing a cardigan and drinking a cup of coffee on the back patio, staring at nothing. Those are my best times. Thinking about nothing produces the best thoughts. It's a paradox.
Favorite Piece You've Created?
I’m pretty proud of my book “Smokestackers!” It’s a short history of Everett, told through colorful characters of the past. I feel really good about some of the fiction that I’ve been writing lately -- I suspect it might be the best stuff I've written ever. It’s my goal to independently publish my short stories later in 2020.
What’s the most challenging part of being an artist, or something you had to overcome?
You have to put in a lot of work for no pay, or little pay. Getting reimbursed with “exposure” sure feels nice. I find it takes a while before you can call your self an artist without feeling a sharp pang in your imposter syndrome. Yet, an artist creates art. You’re valid. It’s fine. Just be sure you can back up your claim with produced work -- sitting in a coffee shop with a beret is no substitute for proper output.

Courtesy of the Porters
How can people be supportive of the arts?
I don’t know. Honestly. I think the question has become so much more complicated post-COVID-19. I see artists playing on Facebook for tips. It’s rough. I really think that the arts are what make life worth living. As such, I would argue that it’s the government’s job to subsidize the arts for the betterment of society. But I'm not holding my breath on that account. I'd say that if you really like someone and appreciate what they do, pay them money to say thank you. It could be that simple.
Favorite place in Everett to eat?
Pho on Broadway a.k.a. plant and mirror world.
Favorite place in Everett to hang?
My backyard is pretty great. It’s the ideal American suburban backyard.
Favorite quote and/or words to live by?
Ernest Hemingway said something I always think about and it’s that “the first draft of anything is shit.” I work on some pretty tight deadlines, but I always budget enough time to go through and revise at least once! Ideally, I can revise 3-5 times. So much of writing is rewriting.

“What does it mean to live in this place at this time?” // Porter Wordsmith
What's next for you?
Publishing fiction, for sure. My goal is to get a collection of my short stories out in 2020. Keep your eyes peeled. The Porters are also halfway done with a full-length album, though production has been delayed by quarantine life and times.
Where can people see more of your art?
The Live in Everett blog
The From the Epicenter blog
The Porters Bandcamp page
1889 Magazine
The Seattle NorthCountry blog

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