My name is Farkhad and my project is Kotlovan.
I was born in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Kotlovan was formed in Everett, WA.
Silver Lake
Your Medium/Craft:

Years doing your craft?
Kotlovan was formed in 2016. I've been doing music on and off for about 15 years.
How did you first get started in your craft?
When I was 5 I started attending music school studying classical piano. After finishing music school at 12 I stopped playing music for several years, but then when I was 16 I got an acoustic guitar and began learning how to play it by myself, that brought back the interest of playing music. In my early 20s I started playing in different bands.
Favorite Artist(s) and/or Inspirations?
David Bowie, Joy Division, Portishead, Sonic Youth, Massive Attack, Can, Erik Satie, King Crimson, Scott Walker and many many more.
Favorite Piece You've Created?
Latest release - "Kotlovan II"

What’s the most challenging part of being an artist, or something you had to overcome?
For me the most challenging thing is to find time and energy for my art. I have a day job not related to music, so standard 8 hours of work per day plus normal home chores leave me not so much time to devote to my art, and sometimes even when I have time for music I don't have energy for it, the work drains it all.
How can people be supportive of the arts?
Care more about what's going on in their community, in general, not only about arts. Support your local community
Favorite place in Everett to eat?
Red Rock Subs, Oshima Sushi, Zab Thai, Chop Express.
Favorite place in Everett to hang?
Toggles Bottleshop, Black Lab Gallery, The Independent Beer Bar, Scuttlebutt (both taproom and pub), Lazy Boy Brewing, Middleton Brewing, The Anchor, The Fireplace Bar.
Favorite quote and/or words to live by?
"My melancholy wants to rest in the hiding places and abysses of perfection: that is why I need music" Nietzsche.
What's next for you?
Next - continue doing music, I've already laid out a plan for the next EP and started recording demos at home. Maybe do a music video for one of the songs from the latest release, if I find a right person to do it.
Where can people see more of your art?
Images courtesy of Kotlovan.

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