Wow, already nearly through the 2nd month of 2020. Here's our top #LiveInEverett picks from Instagram this last month. Thank you for sharing your Everett goodness with us, friends! 🙌

Wow, look at those crispy mountains. And now we want to go play disc golf.

Such calm vibes. We like your style Port of Everett.

You really do learn something new everyday. Thanks Mazatlan!

I don’t know what’s more cool- the fact that we now have a local HGTV show, or that they’re down with #LiveInEverett!

That one time at the Wendt Awards…

CreativeMornings is coming to Everett!!!

Aww, Samiu. We will never forget you.

How cool was this?! Did you catch the full story?

Have you tried it yet?

Wowza, magical indeed!

That's it for this month's #LiveInEverett.

Want to be featured in next month's post? Make sure to use #LiveInEverett on Instagram.

Keep on spreading that Everett goodness, friends! ✌️

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Live in Everett is your central hub for local delight. Restaurants, culture, events, and opportunities for civic engagement are just a few of our favorite things to share about. Learn more about us here, and join us as we proudly wave the Everett flag.