Header image: A sparkly treat, courtesy of Karl’s Bakery // Garret Hunt
Every month (or so) we love to share your top photos from #LiveInEverett on Instagram. Thank you for sharing your Everett goodness with us, friends! 🙌
Alison.odyssey claims “Never. Gets. Old.”
Petrikor Living brings the goods. We’re grateful to have them in Everett and everything they’re working on.
Fishermans Village Music Fest 2021 was so much fun. THANK YOU EVERETT MUSIC INITIATIVE!
Who else is excited about Pacific Ice coming to the Everett waterfront?
Aww, sunshine and rainbows. Thanks Bayside, neighborhood.
Kevin.daniels.lo coming in hot with the coffee guide. No south end love though? Better get it Cracken!
Say what? Chalk Contests at the Everett Mall? Way to go, Carol!
Soaking up the last of summer … sounds about right. Farewell yellow sun and hello orange leaves.
‘Sun soular powered’ is definitely getting the award for punniest username.
Rufus … getting his postcard-pose on.
We’re not familiar with this one. Knowing Nadines though, we better go check it out.
That's it for this month's #liveineverett. Want to be featured in next month's post? Make sure to use #liveineverett in your Everett shots on Instagram. Keep on spreading that Everett goodness, friends!

Live in Everett is a media outlet dedicated to reporting on the good things that happen in our city. We like to share about new restaurants, culture, events, and opportunities for civic engagement. Learn more about us here, and join us as we proudly wave the Everett flag.