Hey hey, it’s May!

And holy smokes, you guys have used #LiveInEverett on Instagram over 20,000 times now! That’s a lot of Everett goodness.

Here’s our top #LiveInEverett picks from this last month(ish). Thank you for sharing your Everett goodness, friends! 🙌

Pure Shots sharing some of that slow shutter beauty.

Mimosa flights and Sunday brunch at Cafe Zippy? Hello!

It’s great to see the Everett Aquasox back in action!

Who needs a coffee date when you can hang with Everett’s Sinister Minister?

Chianti for the win.

Looks like we’re not the only ones who’ve discovered Everett’s newest coffee shop.

Turns out birds and seals are just like kids … they love bunk beds!

Aww, Spring. We like your style.

There must be some lost treasure at Grand Ave Park … Indiana Jones sighting!

Farewell, old friend.

That's it for this round of #LiveInEverett.

Want to be featured in the next one? Make sure to use #LiveInEverett on Instagram.

Keep on spreading that Everett goodness, friends! ✌️

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Live in Everett is a media outlet dedicated to reporting on the good things that happen in our city. We like to share about new restaurants, culture, events, and opportunities for civic engagement. Learn more about us here, and join us as we proudly wave the Everett flag.