Header photo: Josh Jones.

The snow has melted, the sun is out, and March is already over?! What? How did this month fly by so quickly? Well, Spring is in full swing, so let’s check out some sunny pics in this month’s #liveineverett.

We missed the sun… and these sunsets. 🌅

Did we mention we missed these sunsets? Look at how gorgeous!

Fisherman’s Village Music Festival’s lineup was announced this month. There’s some killer bands on the list. Can’t wait for May! 🎶

The Everett Silvertips made it to the playoffs… again! 🥅

The passenger terminal at Paine Field opened, too! Check out that old-school-tinged arrivals and departure board. 🛫

The Port is looking fly in the setting spring sun. 🚢

Everett Archery. Iconic. 🏹

Tyler and Garret were bingo callers at SnoHomo Bingo this month. Check the headwear! 🧢

Did you catch the Worm Moon? So big. So full. 🌕

That's it for this month's #liveineverett. Want to be featured in next month's post? Make sure to use #liveineverett in your Everett shots on Instagram. Keep on spreading that Everett goodness, friends!


Henry J is a writer, editor, video editor and podcast producer for Live in Everett.