Artist Profile: Cat Snapp

Hometown: Niceville, Florida

Current City/Neighborhood: Everett/Delta

Your Medium/Craft: Printmaking & Book Arts, my current focus being on letterpress greeting cards and hand-bound journals.

Years doing your craft: 12 years

Cat Snapp

Cat Snapp

How did you first get started in your craft?

I took a Printmaking class as my first upper-level art class in college, and I was hooked!

Favorite Artist(s) and/or Inspirations?

Some of my favorite artists are my friends and colleagues: Diana Behl, K. Choy, Lizzy Taber, Delaney Smith, Heather Bryant, Ashley Taylor, Lisa Frank (seriously!). I'm a big fan of abstract artwork, bright colors and tons of patterns.

Lorde (musician) and Laini Taylor (author) are my creative muses whose works spark my creativity. Music often inspires my work, my favorites including I Will Keep Your Ghost and Navvi, a Seattle band.

It's a little hard/strange to describe, but a lot of times my brain associates sound and taste with color and I find my favorite music is purple, red and blue. It looks like the Aurora Borealis in my mind. So I try to listen to music that triggers those colors while I work because it's when I feel the most creative.

Getting out in nature and away from the rhythm of everyday life is a huge inspiration!

Courtesy of Cat Snapp

Courtesy of Cat Snapp

What’s the most challenging part of being an artist, or something you had to overcome?

The most challenging part of being an artist for me is balancing my time between creating artwork and running Cat Snapp Studio as a business. They both take a lot of mental power, and there's only so much time in the day! It's important for me to schedule time to work in the studio because it's easy for administrative work to take priority if I'm not mindful about it.

Also, perhaps a deeper challenge is having a thick skin and resiliency as an artist. That's a workshop all on its own for sure!

Courtesy of Cat Snapp

Courtesy of Cat Snapp

How can people be supportive of the arts?

Attend art events, such as artist receptions and craft markets. Purchase artwork and handmade when possible or volunteer at your favorite arts non-profit. And please write to your elected officials in support of the arts!

Favorite place in Everett to eat?


Favorite place in Everett to hang?

Toggle's Bottleshop

Favorite quote and/or words to live by?

It may be cheesy, but this year my words to live by have been "Live, learn and grow."

Courtesy of Cat Snapp

Courtesy of Cat Snapp

What's next for you?

I'll be at Everett Makers Market's Shop Small Saturday at Black Lab Gallery on November 24th at Black Lab Gallery and a few more winter markets in the area. I have an email newsletter on my website,, and that's the best way to know where to find me next!

Where can people see more of your art?

My work is available at the Schack Art Center shop and on my website, I currently offer free delivery for Everett residents. :)

You can find me on Instagram, and that's a great way to see what's happening in the studio day-to-day.


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