Neighborhood Postcards: Delta
From the Artist
Lately I’ve been drawn to the mid-century modern style of illustration and I loved the idea of creating touristy postcards for our neighborhoods in this throwback style. Everett is fairly sprawled out and many of our neighborhoods have their own unique character and many hidden gems and interesting bits of history.
I live in Delta, and there are lots of things I love about it. We have a diverse immigrant population, beautiful parks, and two different produce markets. One of them is year-round, and the other carries Christmas trees and wreaths in December.
Pick up your own postcard via The Art of Rosemary on Etsy
Read why we love the delta

Rosemary Jones is an artist who lives in the Delta neighborhood. Check out the Art of Rosemary on Etsy and support Everett arts.
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Neighborhood Postcards, Local ArtRosemary JonesRosemary Jones, Neighborhood Postcards, Delta NeighborhoodComment